Product details

Intended Use
ATPase Assay Kit (ab270551) employs a 96-well plate format with all of the reagents necessary for measuring ATPase activity. The kit also contains PiColorLock™ (a superior malachite green reagent) which has special additives to prevent backgrounds arising from non-enzymatic ATP hydrolysis. The PiColorLock™ assay is based on the change in absorbance of the dye malachite green in the presence of phosphomolybdate complexes. Unlike most malachite dye-based solutions, PiColorLock™ gives a stable end-point signal and is not prone to precipitation. PiColorLock™ has special additives to prevent backgrounds arising from non-enzymatic ATP hydrolysis.
Assay type: Enzyme activity (quantitative)
Platform: Microplate
Enzyme activity (quantitative)
Detection Method
Kit Contents
1. 0.1 M Magnesium chloride: 1 x 1500µl
2. 0.1 mM Pi Standard: 1 x 5ml
3. 0.5 M Tris pH 7.5: 1 x 5ml
4. 96-well clear low binding plates: 1 unit
5. Accelerator: 1 x 500µl
6. ATP (lyophilized): 4 vials
7. PiColorLock: 1 x 10ml
8. Stabilizer: 1 x 5ml

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